Using WS_FTP

The WS_FTP file transfer program may be used to transfer files to or from many remote computers that are connected to the Internet. Files containing text, graphics or computer programs can be transferred.

Launching WS_FTP

Follow these steps to launch WS_FTP:
Step Action
1 Click the FTP button on the PipeLine+ Access Panel to open WS_FTP. The Session Profile window appears with MindSpring FTP in the Profile Name field, as shown in the following sample screen:

2 Select Anonymous Login. The Password field is automatically filled in with your e-mail address.
3 Click OK. The WS_FTP Main screen appears.

Getting Started

WS_FTP has many options, buttons, and configurable parameters. This section introduces only the basic functions. For a complete explanation, see the extensive Help files located on the WS_FTP menu bar.

The following sections explain how to do these basic FTP activities:

  • Connecting to a remote site including MindSpring
  • Downloading a file from MindSpring's server
  • Uploading a file to your ftp or www directory on the MindSpring server
  • Creating an incoming FTP directory
  • Changing the name of a remote file
  • Connecting to MindSpring's FTP Site

    Follow these steps to connect to MindSpring's FTP site:

    Step Action
    1 Click the Connect button. The FTP connection is initiated.

    Note: Local directories (your system directories and files) always appear on the left side of the screen. After you establish a connection, the remote directories and files are on the right.

    Downloading a File

    Follow these steps to download a publicly accessible file from the MindSpring server:

    Step Action
    1 After connecting via Anonymous Login, do the following:
    • Double-click the remote directory pub and then software.
    • Next, select either windows (Windows 3.1 or 3.11 users) or win95 (Windows 95 users).
    • Select a software file you wish to download in the lower field of the Remote System. (Double clicking on the two dots takes you back up one directory level.)

    Note: To connect and download files from your own user directories, you must enter your username and password in the proper fields, and de-select Anonymous Login.

    2 Select a local directory (on your system) to which you wish to download the remote software file.
    3 Click the button which points from the remote system to the local system. The file begins to transfer.

    Uploading a File

    You can upload files to your own MindSpring user directories. Your user directories are displayed when you connect using your username and password. Follow these steps to upload a file:

    Step Action
    1 From the session profile window with MindSpring FTPUploading a file (Windows) in the Profile Name field, enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields.

    Note: Web pages should go in your www directory.

    2 De-select the Anonymous Login box. Click OK.
    3 Select your desired user directory (www, ftp, etc.) in the Remote System field, to which you want to upload a file.
    4 Select the desired file you want to upload.
    5 Click the button which points from your local system to the remote system. The file begins to transfer. Rename the file, if necessary.

    Creating an Incoming FTP Directory

    If you want to allow others to upload file to your FTP space, you must create an incoming directory and set the permissions for the directory. Follow these steps to create an incoming FTP file:

    Step Action
    1 Connect to your user directory on the MindSpring server.
    2 Select the MkDir (Make Directory) button to create a directory. Name the directory "incoming" (without the quotes).
    3 To set the permissions for the directory, do the following:
    • Click the right-mouse button inside the remote directory window.
    • Choose FTP Commands.
    • Then choose Site.
    • Type the following: SITE chmod 1777 incoming
    4 Close your FTP client.
    5 Test the directory by doing the following:
    • Log back in to as an anonymous user.
    • Go to your ftp space.
    • Go into your incoming directory.
    • Try uploading a test file to be sure it works.

    Note: Anyone can upload files anonymously to the incoming directory, but cannot delete or overwrite files. Likewise, anyone can download files from this directory.

    Renaming a Remote File

    Follow these steps to rename a remote file:

    Step Action
    1 Connect to your user directory on the MindSpring server.
    2 Select the file whose name you want to change.
    3 Click the Rename button.
    4 Enter the new name. Click OK.

    Tips and Techniques

    These basic techniques can be used for any FTP site.

  • Open the Profile Name menu on the Session Profile screen to see the many FTP sites included with WS_FTP.
  • MindSpring puts new software releases on our server for you to download via FTP. To access these, log in as User ID guest and password set to yigreyg9.
  • To save a Session profile, click the Save button just below the Profile Name field on the Session Profile screen. To save your password with the session profile, select the Save Password checkbox.
  • Finding Help and Reference Information

    WS_FTP has Help files included in the program. Choose Help from the WS_FTP menu bar and then select Topics. Next, select Contents, Index or Find as needed.